Roman Catholic Switzerland

Der hl. Sigisbert (rechts) mit seinem Gefährten, dem hl. Plazidus.

St Sigisbert of Disentis (right) with his companion, St Placidus, as venerators of the Mother of God.

St Sigisbert

Strudent of Columban (died mid-7th century)

Information on the origin of St Sigisbert varies. Victor, the governor of Chur, regarded him as a disagreeable Frank and a danger to the independence of Chur-Rhaetia. Other sources say Sigisbert was of Irish descent and see in him a student of the roaming Irish missionaries, Columban and Gall. Sigisbert undertook missionary work with his companion Placidus in the Vorder Rhine area and settled at the place where it was planned to establish the Disentis monastery. Unlike Placidus, Sigisbert died of natural causes.

The feast days of Sigisbert and Placidus are celebrated in the Diocese of Chur on 12 July.

Last modified: 31.10.11